HE Lecturer in Children’s Learning and Development.

As a lecturer in Children’s Learning and Development, I teach on a range of courses at varying levels across Education Studies, Early Childhood Studies, and Children’s Learning and Development pathways. I have gained a range of industry knowledge and a wide range of experience through teaching and research within Higher Education.
I initially trained to become a teacher of Physical Education, obtaining a BSc with honours in Sport Studies from the University of Worcester in 2012, followed by a Post Graduate Diploma in Education and completed Secondary Initial Teacher Training, specialising in Physical Education in 2013. Subsequently I undertook a Master’s in Education Studies at University of Birmingham in 2015 and developed my passion for teaching and researching theoretical content through the context of education.
I have a range of experience within the education sector ranging from support roles within SEND settings, to teaching in secondary and further education contexts. After qualifying as a secondary teacher and 3 years lecturing on A Level theory Physical Education programmes in Further Education, I gained my first role lecturing at University of Gloucestershire where I taught across the Sports Education and Society degree and Master’s course pathways. Alongside my professional role, I am currently studying for a PhD in Education Studies with University of York, focusing on the similarities and differences in Character Education and Citizenship Education in England.
Further Industry Experience
I have gained a depth of experience across the Higher Education sector and most recently taught on Education, Policy and Practice modules at University of York as part of my role as PhD researcher in the Education Department, during the 2021/22 academic year.